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International Research Collaboration

November 27-30, 2024 NEW
The 6th Asian Population Association Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal
  HAYASHI Reiko (Director-General)
  IWASAWA Miho (Director, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  NAKAGAWA Masataku (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 05, 2024
The 5th IPSS-KIHASA Annual Policy Forum, Sejong City, Korea
  HAYASHI Reiko (Director-General)
  KOREKAWA Yu (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  KOIKE Shiro (Director, Department of Population Structure Research)
  NAKAGAWA Masataku (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  SUGA Keita (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  FUJII Takiko (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)

July 12, 2024
World Population Prospects 2024 Launch Seminar

April 17-20, 2024
Population Association of America 2024 Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, United States
  IWASAWA Miho (Director, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  SUGA Keita (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  INOUE Nozomu (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  KIMURA Yuki (Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)

February 17-19, 2024
Population Association of Sri Lanka & Department of Demography, the University of Colombo
  HAYASHI Reiko (Deputy Director-General)

November 22-24, 2023
The WERA 2023 Focal Meeting, Singapore
  SASAKI Orie (Senior Researcher, Department of Empirical Social Security Research)

November 15-17, 2023
The 7th Asian and Pacific Population Conference
  HAYASHI Reiko (Deputy Director-General)

October 18-20, 2023
Southern Demographic Association 2023 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, United States
  INOUE Nozomu (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

May 23-27, 2023
The Sixth Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics (CMPD6), Canada
  OIZUMI Ryo (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

April 12-15, 2023
Population Association of America 2023 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
  IWASAWA Miho (Director, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  SUGA Keita (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  INOUE Nozomu (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

April 10-14, 2023
56th Session of the Commission on Population and Development, United Nations, New York
  HAYASHI Reiko (Deputy Director-General)

March 7-11, 2023
The Collaborative Meetings with International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai, India
  HAYASHI Reiko (Deputy Director-General)
  OIZUMI Ryo (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)

February 14-17, 2023
The 14th NTA Global Meeting, Paris
  FUKUDA Setsuya (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Cooperation)
  SUZUKI Takashi(Researcher, Department of Theoretical Social Secuirty Research)

December 7, 2022
The 9th International Forum on Housing & Urban Finance, Seoul and visit to KIHASA and KRIHS, Sejong, Korea
  HAYASHI Reiko (Deputy Director-General)

December 1-December 2, 2022
The 6th Mahidol Migration Center Regional Conference (Thailnad)
  NAKAGAWA Masataka (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 16-24, 2022
The 2022 Southern Demographic Association Annual Meeting (the USA)
  INOUE Nozomu (Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 9-14, 2022
SOPEMI-Continuous Reporting System on Migration (France)
  KOREKAWA Yu (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 7-11, 2022
Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota
  INOUE Nozomu (Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

August 1, 2022 - January 13, 2023
Research Stay at Australian National University, and attending Australian Population Conference
  FUKUDA Setsuya (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Cooperation)

July 19-23, 2022
Ministry of Public Health and JICA(Japan International Cooperation Agency)
  HAYASHI Reiko (Deputy Director-General)

June 15-20,2022
The 6th Human Mortality Database Symposium (France)
  SUGA Keita (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)

May 23-26,2022
ADBI-OECD-ILO Roundtable on Labor Migration in Asia (Thailand)
  KOREKAWA Yu (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

May 3-7,2022
OECD Special Meeting on the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis (Poland)
  KOREKAWA Yu (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

April 21,2022-July 15,2022
Research Stay at CED (Centre d'Estudis Demografics), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, and attending the European Population Conference 2022 & The 34th Annual SASE meeting
FUKUDA Setsuya (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

December 16-17, 2019
46th Session of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco
  HAYASHI Reiko (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

November 18-22, 2019
The 8th African Population Conference, Entebbe, Uganda
  HAYASHI Reiko (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

November 12-14, 2019
The Nairobi Summit on ICPD25
  HAYASHI Reiko (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 28, 2019
MOHW-PCASPP-OECD Joint Conference on Population, Seoul, South Korea
  TAKEZAWA Junko (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)
  WATANABE Kuriko (Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

October 23-27, 2019
11th IAGG Asia/Oceania Regional Congress
  HAYASHI Reiko (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  KOJIMA Katsuhisa (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)
  IZUMIDA Nobuyuki (Director, Department of Empirical Social Security Research)
  BEPPU Motomi (Senior Researcher, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)
  KURODA Ashiya (Senior Researcher, Department of Theoretical Social Security Research)

September 10-22, 2019
Survey on Population Ageing in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 7-8, 2019
The 15th International Conference on Social Security, Wonju, Korea, September 7-8, 2019
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

August 29, 2019
Official Side Event of TICAD7 “Towards Population Ageing in Africa”, Yokohama, Japan
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

July 9, 2019
Japan National Press Club Forum on UN World Population Prospect 2019
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

July 3-5, 2019
10th International Conference on Population Geographies, Loughborough, UK
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Shiro KOIKE (Director, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Masataka NAKAGAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Kenji KAMATA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Nozomu INOUE (Researcher, Department of Theoretical Social Security Research)

Jun 14, 2019
Population Association of Korea 2019 Conference, Daejeon, South Korea
  Toru SUZUKI (Deputy Director-General)
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

Jun 11-13, 2019
2nd Technical Meeting of the Titchfield City Group on Ageing-related Statistics, Daejeon, South Korea
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

May 23, 2019
The 3rd Korea-Japan Annual Social Policy Forum, Seoul, South Korea
  Toru SUZUKI (Deputy Director-General)
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)

May 16-17, 2019
4th International Meeting on Multiple Cause-of-Death Analysis, Paris, France
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

May 13-14, 2019
5th Human Mortality Database Symposium, Berlin, Germany
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

May 9-10, 2019
International Conference and Training Workshop on Household and Living Arrangement Projections for Informed Decision-Making
  Toru SUZUKI (Deputy Director-General)

May 8, 2019
The China-Korea-Japan Exchanges on Elderly Care Research, Beijing, China
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

May 4-5, 2019
The 11th Seminar on East Asian Social Welfare Model, Zhaoqing, Guangdong, China
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

April 22-23, 2019
Survey on population data and health system in Vietnam
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

April 1-5, 2019
52nd Session of the Commission on Population and Development, United Nations, New York
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

March 1-5, 2019
Study on New Taiwan Long-Term Care System, Taiwan
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

January 25, 2019
The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Welfare : Poverty and Income Distribution in Korea, China and Japan (Seoul, Korea)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

December 10-11, 2018
International Seminar on Indicators and Policies of Low Fertility, Seoul South Korea
  Toru SUZUKI (Deputy Director-General)
  Setsuya FUKUDA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

December 3, 2018
The visit of International Conference on Towards Better Social Security for Asian Countries, Seoul, South Korea
  Katsuya Yamamoto (Director, Department of Theoretical Social Security Research)

November 26-29, 2018
UNESCAP Midterm Review of the Asian and Pacific Declaration on Population and Development / Committee on Social Development, Fifth Session, Bangkok, Thailand
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

November 17-18, 2018
Nanjing Forum 2018, Nanjing, China, November 17-18, 2018
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

November 14-16, 2018
Seventh Global Forum on Gender Statistics
  Setsuya FUKUDA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

October 23-25, 2018
HelpAge Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2018, Teheran, Iran
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 17-19, 2018
The 3rd Family Policy Experts Meeting in the Asia-Pacific Region and The 13th Family Policy Experts Meeting in the Asia-Pacific Region
  Junko TAKEZAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Cooridination)

October 10, 2018
Signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Research Institute of Labor And Social Protection, Mongolia
  Hisao ENDO (Director-General)
  Toru SUZUKI (Deputy Director-General)

October 8-12, 2018
Training course for JICA SINRAI Project, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  Toru SUZUKI (Deputy Director-General)

September 20-30, 2018
Survey on the situation of older persons in Kenya
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 15-16, 2018
The 14th International Conference on Social Security, Dalian, China
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

September 13, 2018
Visit to Chinese Academy of Labour and Social Security (Beijing)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

September 5-6, 2018
3rd ASEM Conference on Global Ageing and Human Rights of Older Persons
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

August 27-30, 2018
7th International Public Health Conference 2018 in Malaysia
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

July 11-14, 2018
The 4th Asian Population Association Conference, Shanghai
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Setsuya FUKUDA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)
  Masataka NAKAGAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 26-28, 2018
Participation at the First Official Meeting of Titchfield City Group on Ageing and Age -Disaggregated Data
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 16-17, 2018
The 1st Youth Researcher Seminar on Chinese Social Welfare, Shanghai, China
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

June 9, 2018
International Academic Forum “Responses to the Ageing Society through China-Japan collaboration : Road and Future”
  Hisao ENDO (Director-General)
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Masataka NAKAGAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Motomi BEPPU (Senior Researcher, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)
  Tsukasa SASAI (Senior Researcher, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

June 6-9, 2018
European Population Conference 2018
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Setsuya FUKUDA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

May 18, 2018
Royal College of Defence Studies 2018 North East Asia Overseas Study Tour
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

May 16, 2018
Visit to the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Thailand
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

May 15, 2018
UN ESCAP Side Event on Population Ageing
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

May 12-13, 2018
The 10th Seminar on East Asian Social Welfare Model, Jeonju, Korea
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

May 5-6, 2018
The 2018 Inter-University Symposium on Asian Megacities, Hangzhou, China
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

April 9-13, 2018
51st Session of the Commission on Population and Development, United Nations, New York
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

March 19-23, 2018
Workshop on “Designing Effective Social Health Security System in Asia Countries”
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

March 11-14, 2018
Study on New Taiwan Long-Term Care System, Taiwan
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

March 4-12, 2018
49th Session of the Statistical Commission, United Nations, New York, USA
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

January 7-10, 2018
Survey on the population ageing statistics and information in Myanmar
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

December 18, 2017
Visit to China Population and Development Research Center
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)

December 16-17, 2017
Joint workshop with the Center of Policy Research(CPR), Ministry of Civil Affairs of China
  Hisao ENDO (Director-General)
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)
  Toru SUZUKI (Director, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Junko TAKEZAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Cooridination)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)


December 4-5, 2017
International Conference on Population Dynamics in Sustainable Development Era: Fertility Transition and Social Policies Response in Beijing, China
  Ryuichi KANEKO (Deputy Director-General)

November 28-December 1, 2017
The XXII International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology (SHE 2017 in Los Banos, Philippines)
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

November 17, 2017
The First Conference on Health Care and Medical Security in East Asia, Wuhan, China
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

November 4-6, 2017
The 14th World Congress on Long Term Care in Chinese Communities, Yantai, China
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

October 31, 2017
Workshop on Demographic Projection, Finance and Data Utilisation for City Development, South Africa
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 28-November 4, 2017
28th International Population Conference of IUSSP in Cape Town, South Africa
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 4-13, 2017
The visit to the French National Institute for Demographic Studies
  Yui OHTSU (Researcher, Department of Empirical Social Security Research)

October 1-3, 2017
STS forum 2017, Kyoto
  Ryuichi KANEKO (Deputy Director-General)

September 19-24, 2017
The visit to the Research Institute of Labor and Social Protection and other institutions in Mongolia
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 16-17, 2017
The 13th International Conference on Social Security, Nanjing, China
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

September 15-18, 2017
The 22nd Inter-university Seminar on Asian Megacities (IUSAM2017)
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 2-16, 2017
Providing training course for the JICA Project to Strengthen Capacity Building in the Social Insurance Sector, Mongolia
  Itaru SATO (Senior Researcher, Department of Theoretical Social Security Research)

August 22-25, 2017
The 34th ASSA Board Meeting
  Itaru SATO (Senior Researcher, Department of Theoretical Social Security Research)

August 13-17, 2017
Multistakeholder Forum on Healthy and Active Aging, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

July 23-27, 2017
The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics, San Francisco, USA
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

July 3-4, 2017
Visit to the Statistics Canada
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 28-July 1, 2017
The 9th International Conference on Population Geographies, Seattle, Washington, USA
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Shiro KOIKE (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Kenji KAMATA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Masataka NAKAGAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 26-27, 2017
The 3rd ASEAN-Japan Active Ageing Regional Conference, Manila, Philippines
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 20, 2017
Working Party on Migration, OECD, Paris
  Yu KOREKAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 14-15, 2017
Preparatory Regional Expert Meeting: Third Regional Review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, UN ESCAP
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 11-25, 2017
Research presentation and participation in International Advanced Studies in Demography (IDEM)
  Setsuya FUKUDA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

April 27-29, 2017
Population Association of America 2017 annual meeting, Chicago, IL, USA
  Futoshi ISHII (Director, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Yu KOREKAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Kenji KAMATA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Setsuya FUKUDA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)
  Shouhei YODA (Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Yui OHTSU (Researcher, Department of Empirical Social Security Research)

April 3, 2017
50th Session of the Commission on Population and Development, New York, USA
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

March 10, 2017
The visit to Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

March 7-9, 2017
2nd International Forum on Economic Development and Public Policy, Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

February 22-24, 2017
Joint Seminar with KIHASA, Seoul, Korea
  Akira MORITA (Director-General)
  Yukiko KATSUMATA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Toru Suzuki (Director, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

February 18-22, 2017
Study on New Taiwan Long-Term Care System, Taiwan
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

January 31-February 1, 2017
DIMOCHA final seminar, Rostock, Germany
  Yui OHTSU (Researcher, Department of Empirical Social Security Research)

January 30-February 10, 2017
Providing training course for the JICA Project to Strengthen Capacity Building in the Social Insurance Sector, Mongolia
  Katsuya Yamamoto (Senior Researcher, Department of Theoretical Social Security Research)

January 30-31, 2017
Federal Institute for Population Research, Wiesbaden, Germany
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

January 27-29, 2017
Japan Seminar on the Politics and Practices of "Low Fertility and Ageing Population’in Post-War Japan", University of Manchester "UK"
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

January 26, 2017
French National Institute for Demographic Studies, Paris, France
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

November 5-6, 2016
26th Annual International Symposium of the Center for Japanese Studies, Fudan University, China
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

November 2-18, 2016
French National Institute for Demographic Studies, Paris, France
  Yui OHTSU (Researcher, Department of Empirical Social Security Research)

October 24-28, 2016
The 2016 International Metropolis Conference, Nagoya, Japan
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Yoshimi CHITOSE (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Masataka NAKAGAWA (Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 17-20, 2016
Habitat III - The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, Quito, Ecuador
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 12-14, 2016
ICD-11 Revision Conference in Tokyo, Japan
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 21-24, 2016
2016 Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography, Leuven, Belgium
  Ryuichi KANEKO (Deputy Director-General)

September 19, 2016
The Development and Challenges of Taiwan’s Long-term Care Industry Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 10-11, 2016
The 12th International Conference on Social Security, Oita, Japan
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Yu KOREKAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)

September 8, 2016
Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) - 1st Standing Committee Meeting on Active Ageing, Hanoi, Vietnam
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

August 30-September 3, 2016
European Population Conference 2016, Mainz, Germany
  Shiro KOIKE (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Masakazu YAMAUCHI (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Kenji KAMATA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Setsuya FUKUDA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

August 26, 2016
The 2nd workshop on "International Migration and Development in East Asia", Bangkok, Thailand
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Masataka NAKAGAWA (Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

August 23-25, 2016
8th National Workshop on Civil Registration in Philippines, Iloilo, Philippines
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 4-5, 2016
The 9th Seminar on East Asian Social Welfare Model, Xi'an, China
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

April 11-15, 2016
49th Session of the Commission on Population and Development, United Nations, New York, USA
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

April 2, 2016
The workshop on “International Migration and Development in East Asia”, Jakarta, Indonesia
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

March 2-7, 2016
The visit to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City for JICA Project
  Akira MORITA (Director-General)

February 11, 2016
The visit to Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, Sejong city
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Toru SUZUKI (Director, Department of Population Structure Research)

January 27-31, 2016
PMAC (Prince Mahidol Award Conference) 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

December 14-17, 2015
Study on the Taiwan Long-Term Care System, Taiwan
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 29, 2015
Interview about local government social expenditure database in Korea, Korea Institute for Health and Social Security Research
  Junko TAKEZAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Cooridination)
  Kuriko WATANABE (Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

October 27-28, 2015
The 10th Social Experts Meeting in Asia and the Pacific Region, Seoul
  Junko TAKEZAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Cooridination)
  Kuriko WATANABE (Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

October 23, 2015
The visit to Policy Research Center of Ministry of Civil Affairs in Beijing, China
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 23, 2015
The visit to the China National Health Development Research Center, Beijing
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 20, 2015
Panel discussion for United Nations “The World's Women 2015”, New York, USA
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 19-22, 2015
The 10th IAGG Asia/Oceania Regional Congress, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  Nobuyuki IZUMIDA (Director, Department of Empirical Social Security Research)
  Katsuya YAMAMOTO (Senior Researcher, Department of Theoretical Social Security Research)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 18-25, 2015
Study on medical information systems in Sweden and Estonia
  Akira MORITA (Director-General)

October 5, 2015
The visit to the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 27-October 4, 2015
International Policy Forum on Urban Growth and Conservation (Tehran-Hamadan 2015)
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 14, 2015
The visit to National Health Insurance Cooperation in Seoul, Korea
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 12-13, 2015
The 11th International Conference on Social Security, Seoul, Korea
  Yoshihiro KANEKO (Advisory Officer for Policy Research Coordination)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

August 31, 2015
The visit to the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, Malaysia
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

July 27-30, 2015
The 3rd Asian Population Association Conference, Kuala Lumpur
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Toru SUZUKI (Director, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Kenji KAMATA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Yu KOREKAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Masataka NAKAGAWA (Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 30-July 3, 2015
8th International Conference on Population Geographies, Brisbane
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Shiro KOIKE (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Masakazu YAMAUCHI (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Kenji KAMATA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Masataka NAKAGAWA (Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 2-4, 2015
27th REVES meeting in Singapore
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Motomi BEPPU (Senior Researcher, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

May 18-22, 2015
INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY CONFERENCE 2015, Kuala Lumpur and visit to IMF Regional Training Institute, Singapore
  Akira MORITA (Director-General)
  Itaru SATO (Senior Researcher, Department of Theoretical Social Security Research)

May 11, 2015
The visit to Policy Research Center of Ministry of Civil Affairs in Beijing, China
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

May 11, 2015
The visit to Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Science in Beijing, China
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

May 9-10, 2015
The 8th Seminar on East Asian Social Welfare Model, Beijing, China
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

April 30-May 2, 2015
Population Association of America, The 2015 Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Masakazu YAMAUCHI (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Setsuya FUKUDA (Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Cooridination)
  Kenji KAMATA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)

April 13-17, 2015
48th Session of the Commission on Population and Development, United Nations, New York, USA
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

March 10-15, 2015
Study on indicators of child poverty and well-being in the U.S.
  Junko TAKEZAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

March 4-9, 2015
Study on the Taiwan Long-Term Care Insurance and Long-Term Care Service
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

February 19-20, 2015
International Seminar: Comparative Study on Population Aging in Eastern Asian Low Fertility Countries, Tokyo and Kyoto
  Toru SUZUKI (Director, Department of Population Structure Research) and other reseachers

January 26-31, 2015
PMAC (Prince Mahidol Award Conference) 2015, Bangkok, Thailand
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

December 26-28, 2014
Participation in the 1st Kangnam-Yongin Age-Friendly City Forum and Study on Senior Welfare Center in Korea
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

December 9-10, 2014
UN ESCAP Regional expert consultation on long-term care of older persons, Bangkok, Thailand
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

December 4-5, 2014
Working Party on Social Policy 34th Meeting, OECD, Paris, France
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

December 3-6, 2014
EDGE Project Midterm Review Technical Meeting, Kitakyushu
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

December 3-5, 2014
IAP Conference "Science for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development: A Call for Action", Manaus, Brazil
  Aya ABE (Director, Department of Empirical Social Security Research)

October 30-November 3, 2014
Study on the Korean Geriatric Hospital, Korea
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

October 30, 2014
The 1st Family Policy Seminar in Asia and the Pacific: Fertility Transition and Family Policies in the 21st Century, Seoul, Korea
  Yukiko KATSUMATA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)
  Junko TAKEZAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

October 28-29, 2014
The 9th Social Experts Meeting in Asia and the Pacific Region, Seoul, Korea
  Yukiko KATSUMATA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)
  Junko TAKEZAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

September 21-28, 2014
Study on medical information systems in England and Germany
  Akira MORITA (Director-General)
  Yumika SHIRASE (Senior Researcher, Department of Empirical Social Security Research)

September 15-17, 2014
EAPS Health, Morbidity and Mortality Workshop 2014, London, UK
  Masataka NAKAGAWA (Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 15, 2014
CASS-IPSS Joint Workshop on Population and Social Security, Beijing, China
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Toru SUZUKI (Director, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Yoshihiro KANEKO (Advisory Officer for Policy Research Coordination)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 13-14, 2014
The 10th International Conference on Social Security, Beijing, China
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Yoshihiro KANEKO (Advisory Officer for Policy Research Coordination)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

September 5, 2014
International Comparative Seminar on Policy Responses to Low Fertility and Population Aging in Korea and Japan, Seoul, Korea
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

August 27-30, 2014
19th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities, Seoul, Korea
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

July 13-19, 2014
XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama
  Saori KAMANO (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Yu KOREKAWA (Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Setsuya FUKUDA (Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Kana FUSE (Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)
  Yoshimi CHITOSE (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 25-28, 2014
European Population Conference 2014, Budapest, Hungary
  Ryuichi KANEKO (Deputy Director-General)
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Futoshi ISHI (Director, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Wataru KUREISHI (Senior Researcher, Department of Theoretical Social Security Research)
  Miho IWASAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Yu KOREKAWA (Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)

June 2-4, 2014
FISS(Foundation for International Studies on Social Security) Conference 2014, Sigtuna, Sweden
  Yoshihiro KANEKO (Advisory Officer for Policy Research Coordination)
  Aya ABE (Director, Department of Empirical Social Security Research)
  Kuriko WATANABE (Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

May 1-3, 2014
Population Association of America, The 2014 Annual Meeting, Boston, USA
  Futoshi ISHI (Director, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Miho IWASAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Keita SUGA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Setsuya FUKUDA (Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Yu KOREKAWA (Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)
  Kenji KAMATA (Researcher, Department of Population Structure Research)

April 7-11, 2014
47th Session of the Commission on Population and Development, United Nations, New York, USA
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

April 7-11, 2014
OECD Working Party on Territorial Indicators meeting etc., Paris, France
  Yoshihiro KANEKO (Advisory Officer for Policy Research Coordination)
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

March 31, 2014
Comparative Study of Family Policy in East Asia(Korea ? China ? Japan ? Singapore)
  Research cooperation with KIHASA based on the agreement

March 9-14, 2014
Study on the Taiwan Long-Term Care System, Taiwan
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

January 27-29, 2014
The 4th ADBI-OECD-ILO Roundtable on Labour Migration in Asia: Building Human Capital Across Borders, Tokyo
  Yu Korekawa (Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)

January 23-26, 2014
Study on the Korean Long-Term Care System, Seoul, Korea
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

November 27-29, 2013
OECD Annual Meeting of the OECD Expert Groups on Migration, Paris
  Yu Korekawa (Researcher, Department of Population Dynamics Research)

From 2011 to the end of 2013 - The report has been uploaded on 25th December 2013
The joint research on UNICEF report card-series (international comparative report on the situation of children in industrialized countries)
  Aya Abe (Director, Social Security Applied Analysis Research Department)
  Junko TAKEZAWA (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination)

November 27, 2013
Comparative Study on Prospects of and Intervention to Population Aging in Eastern Asian Low Fertility Countries, Taipei, Taiwan
  Toru Suzuki (Director, Department of Population Structure Research)

October 31, 2013
Conference on Family Policies in Selected East Asian Countries, Seoul, Korea
  Yukiko KATSUMATA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

October 29-30, 2013
The 8th Social Experts Meeting in Asia and the Pacific Region, OECD Korea Policy Centre, Seoul, Korea
  Yukiko KATSUMATA (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis)

October 15-16, 2013
The 7th National Health Research Forum, National Institute of Public Health, Vientiane, Lao PDR
  Reiko HAYASHI (Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

August 24-26, 2013
The 9th International Conference in Social Security, Hangzhou, China
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)

June 23-27, 2013
The 20th World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Seoul, Korea
  Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Senior Researcher, Department of International Research and Cooperation)
  Katsuya YAMAMOTO (Senior Researcher, Department of Theoretical Social Security Research)