

  • 文字サイズ

  1. ホーム
  2. スタッフ
  3. Ruoyan GAI

社会保障応用分析研究部 第4室長
GAI Ruoyan


  • 医療経済学、疫学、健康アウトカム評価、国際保健


  • 「一億総活躍社会」実現に向けた総合的研究
  • 生活と支えあいに関する調査
  • 健やかな親子関係を確立するためのプログラム開発と有効性評価に関する研究
  • 切れ目のない子ども・子育て支援に向ける小児健康アウトカム評価研究
  • ユニバーサルヘルスカバレッジ達成に向けたバングラデシュ農村の保健医療水準向上に向ける評価研究


  • 所属学会  医療経済学会、国際保健医療学会、International Society for Pharmacoeconomic Outcome Research (ISPOR)
  • 非常勤講師:日本大学大学院総合社会情報研究科「グローバルヘルス特講」


  • 著書

  • Ruoyan GAI、森臨太郎.第2部第6章 「問われる『命の値段』医療技術評価をめぐる課題」.医療白書2018.
  • GBD Health Financing Collaborators (Ruoyan Tobe-Gai). Trends in future health financing and coverage: future health spending and universal health coverage in 188 countries, 2016-40. Lancet. 2018; 391 (10132): 1783-98.
  • Tobe RG*, Haque SE, Ikegami K, Mori R. Mobile-health tool to improve maternal and neonatal health care in Bangladesh: A cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2018; 18: 102.
  • GBD 2017 SDG Collaborators (Ruoyan Tobe-Gai). Measuring progress from 1990 to 2017 and projecting attainment to 2030 of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals for 195 countries and territories: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet. 2018; 392 (10159): 2091-138.
  • Mo X, Tobe RG*, Wang L, Wu B, Luo H, Nagata C, Mori R. Cost-effectiveness analysis of different types of human papillomavirus vaccination combined to cervical cancer screening program in Mainland China. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2017, 17: 502.
  • Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborators (Ruoyan Tobe-Gai). Evolution and patterns of global health financing 1995-2014: development assistance for health, and government, prepaid private, and out-of-pocket health spending in 184 countries. Lancet 2017; 389: 1981-2004.
  • Cui S, Tobe RG*, Mo X, Liu X, Xu L, Li S. Cost-effectiveness analysis of rotavirus vaccination in China: Projected possibility of scale-up from the current domestic option. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2016; 16: 677.
  • Mo X, Tobe RG*, Liu X, Mori R. Cost-effectiveness and health benefits of pediatric 23-valent pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine, 7-Valent and Forecasting 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines in China. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2016; 35: e353-61.
  • Tobe RG*. Association between transient newborn hypoglycemia and test proficiency. JAMA Pediatrics. 2016; 170: 297.
  • Mo X, Xu L, Luo H, Wang X, Zhang F, Tobe RG*. Do different parenting styles impact the health and physical growth of “left-behind” preschool-aged children? A cross-sectional study in rural China. European Journal of Public Health. 2016; 26: 18-23.
  • Feng A, Wang L, Chen X, Liu X, Li L, Wang B, Luo H, Mo X, Tobe RG*. Developmental origins of health and disease: implications to health and nutritional issues among rural children in China. BioScience Trends 2015; 9: 82-7.
  • Tobe RG*, Mori R. Use of multiple micronutrient powders for young children’s growth. The Lancet. 2013;382:1171-1172.
  • Tobe RG, Mori R, Huang L, et al. Cost-effectiveness analysis of a national neonatal hearing screening program in China: conditions for the scale-up. PLoS ONE.2013; 8: e51990.
  • Tobe RG, Mori R, Shinozuka N, et al: A nationwide investigation on gestational age specific birthweight and discharge mortality among Japanese twins in general hospitals. Paediatrics and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2010; 25: 228-35.
