IWASAWA Miho Director
Department of Population Dynamics Research
Updated; 9 October 2020
Research Field
- Social Demography, Family Demography, Fertility, Marriage and Family
Research Project
Population projection for Japan
The National Fertility Survey
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in Japan: Trends, Causes and Social Implications
Demographic Analysis and Population Projection from International and Regional Perspectives and Their Applicationfor to the New Trend of Low-Fertility and Aging (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, MHLW)
The Methods and Applications of Population/Household Projections in the Era of Long-Term Depopulation and Growing Global Migration
External Activities
- Professional Affiliations
Population Association of Japan
The Japan Sociological Society
The Japan Society of Family Sociology
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
European Association for Population Studies
Population Association of America
Asian Population Association
Publications /Papers
- Iwasawa, Miho(2004)“Partnership Transition in Contemporary Japan: Prevalence of Childless Non-Cohabiting Couples.” The Japanese Journal of Population
- Raymo, James M., Miho Iwasawa, and Larry Bumpass(2004)“Marital Dissolution in Japan: Recent Trends and Patterns.” Demographic Research, Vol.11, No.14, pp.395-419.
- Raymo, James M. and Miho Iwasawa(2005)“Marriage Market Mismatches in Japan: An Alternative View of the Relationship between Women's Education and Marriage.” American Sociological Review, No.70, pp.801-822.
- Sato, Ryuzaburo and Miho Iwasawa (2006) "Contraceptive use and induced abortion in Japan: How is it so unique among the developed countries?" The Japanese Journal of Population, Vol.4, No.1, pp.33-54.
- Iwasawa, Miho and Mita Fusami (2007) “Boom and Bust in Marriage between Coworkers and the Marriage Decline in Japan.” The Japanese Economy Vol.34, No.4, pp.3-24.
- Raymo, James M. and Miho Iwasawa(2008)"Bridal Pregnancy and Spouse Pairing Patterns in Japan." Journal of Marriage and Family 70(4),pp.847-860.
- Raymo, James M. , M. Iwasawa, and Larry Bumpass(2009)“Cohabitation and family formation in Japan.” Demography, 46(4),pp.785-803.
- Kaneko, Ryuichi, Tsukasa Sasai, Saori Kamano, Miho Iwasawa, Fusami Mita, and Rie Moriizumi(2008)“Marriage Process and Fertility of Japanese Married Couples: Overview of the Results of the Thirteenth Japanese National Fertility Survey,Married Couples.” The Japanese Journal of Population, Vol.6, No.1, pp. 24-50.
- Kaneko, Ryuichi, Tsukasa Sasai, Saori Kamano, Miho Iwasawa, Fusami Mita, and Rie Moriizumi(2008) “Attitudes toward Marriage and the Family among Japanese Singles: Overview of the Results of the Thirteenth Japanese National Fertility Survey, Singles.”The Japanese Journal of Population, Vol.6, No.1, pp. 51-75.
- Kaneko, Ryuichi, Akira Ishikawa, Futoshi Ishii, Tsukasa Sasai, Miho Iwasawa, Fusami Mita, and Rie Moriizumi (2008) “Population Projections for Japan: 2006-2055: Outline of Results, Methods, and Assumptions.”The Japanese Journal of Population, Vol.6, No.1, pp. 76-114.
- Raymo, James M., Letizia Mencarini, Miho Iwasawa and Rie Moriizumi (2010) “Intergenerational proximity and the fertility intentions on married women” Asian Population Studies, 6(2), 193-214. (Jul)
- Iwasawa, Miho, Ryuichi Kaneko, Kenji Kamata, James M. Raymo, and Kimiko Tanaka. 2010. Explanations for the fertility reversal after 2005 in Japan. Center for Demography and Ecology,University of Wisconsin-Madison Working Paper No. 2010-11. (Aug)
- Ekaterina Hertog and Miho Iwasawa (2011) “Marriage, Abortion, or Unwed Motherhood? How Women Evaluate Alternative Solutions to Premarital Pregnancies in Japan and the United States”,Journal of Family Issues, 32(12): 1674-1699.
- Raymo, James M., Setsuya Fukuda, and Miho Iwasawa(2013) “Educational Differences in Divorce in Japan”,Demographic Research, 28-6:177-206.
- Raymo, James M, Hyunjoon Park, Miho Iwasawa, and Yanfei Zhou(2014)"Single Motherhood, Living Arrangements, and Time With Children in Japan." Journal of Marriage and Family 76(4):843-61.
- Iwasawa, Miho and Kenji Kamata (2014) “Marriage Preceded by Pregnancy and Women’s Employment.” Japan Labor Review, vol. 11, no. 4, Autumn, pp. 21-51.
- Sato, Ryuzaburo and Miho Iwasawa (2015) "The Sexual Behavior of Adolescents and Young Adults in Japan" Pp.137-159 in Ogawa, Naohiro, and Iqbal H Shah eds., Low Fertility and Reproductive Health in East Asia, International Studies in Population, 11. Springer.
- Raymo, James M, Kelly Musick, and Miho Iwasawa(2015) "Gender Equity, Opportunity Costs of Parenthood, and Educational Differences in Unintended First Births: Insights from Japan." Population Research and Policy Review 34:179-199.
- Raymo, James M., and Miho Iwasawa(2016). Diverging Destinies: The Japanese Case. Springer.