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The target municipalities covered by Regional Population Projections for Japan: 2015-2045 included 1,798 municipalities (23 Tokyo special wards, 128 wards in 12 major cities*, 766 cities, 713 towns, and 168 villages), within the boundary as of March 1, 2018, and one prefecture (Fukushima). However, this page reports the projection results for 1,810 municipalities (23 Tokyo special wards, 128 wards in 12 major cities, 778 cities including 12 major cities, 713 towns, and 168 villages) and does not include municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture, for which an overall prefectural population was projected. The 12 major cities included Sapporo, Sendai, Chiba, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, Kitakyushu, and Fukuoka. For these 12 cities, the overall results of the city and the results by wards are shown. For Fukushima Prefecture, please refer to the results by prefecture.
* Please select the name of the prefecture to which the desired municipalities belong. The Excel files include several sheets, one for each municipality, and the sheets are sorted in the order of their IDs. The correspondence between the ID numbers and the names of municipalities can be found here.