Contents of The Cost of Social Security in Japan 2002

Table 1 Social Security Expenditure by category, fiscal years 2001 and 2002
Table 2 Social Security Expenditure by category as a percentage of National Income
Table 3 Social Security Expenditure per head of population and per household, fiscal years 2001 and 2002
Figure 1 Social Security Expenditure by category, fiscal years 1970-2002
Table 4 Social Security Expenditure by functional category, fiscal years 2001 and 2002
Table 5 Social Security Expenditure by functional category as a percentage of National Income
Figure 2 Social Security Expenditure by functional category, fiscal years 1998-2002
Table 6 Social Security Expenditure for the elderly, fiscal years 2001 and 2002

Table 7 Social Security Revenue by source, fiscal years 2001 and 2002
Figure 3 Social Security Expenditure by revenue, scheme, category, function and target individuals, fiscal year 2002

IV. Statistical tables

Figure 1 International comparison of Social Security Expenditure as a percentage of National Income
Table 1 International comparison of Social Security Expenditure as a percentage of National Income and Gross Domestic Product
Figure 2 International comparison of Social Security Revenue by functional category
Table 2 International comparison of Social Security Expenditure by functional category as a percentage of National Income
Figure 3 International comparison of Social Security Revenue by source
Table 3 International comparison of Social Security Revenue as a percentage of National Income

ILO standards have been publicized through an Internet website called "The Cost of Social Security." (The URL of the corresponding ILO site is:

Reference Figure 1 International Comparison of Social Expenditure per National Income and Gross Domestic Products in 2001
Reference Table 1 International Comparison of Social Expenditure per National Income and Gross Domestic Products in 2001
Reference Figure 2 International Comparison of Social Expenditure by Policy Area in 2001
Reference Table 2-1 International Comparison of Social Expenditure per National Income in 2001
Reference Table 2-2 International Comparison of Social Expenditure per GDP in 2001

OECD standards have been publicized through an Internet website called "Social Expenditure database." (The URL of the corresponding OECD site is:,2340,en_2649_34635_31612994_1_1_1_1,00.html)

Symbols contained in the Tables are shown below:
No figure
Minimum ratio when less than 0.05
Estimated figure when less than half the unit used in the Table
Reduced figure (ratio)


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