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  3. FUSE Kana

FUSE Kana Senior Researcher
Department of Information Collection and Analysis
Updated; 20 Nobember 2019

Research Fields

  • Survey Research Methods, Demography, Sociology, Global Health

Research Projects

  • The National Survey on Family
  • Demography of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Building a Foundation for Research in Japan

External Activities

    Committee member for Kyoto Prefecture's survey of low fertility of the young population (2014)


    Publications, peer-reviewed

    • Fuse, Kana. 2019. “Gender and Parenting Difficulty of the First-Born: Implications for Parity Progression among Japanese Couples.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 50: 116-138.

    • Fuse, Kana, Nayu Ikeda, and Nobuo Nishi. 2017. “Cohort Profile: 2001 Cohort of the Longitudinal Survey of Newborns in the 21st Century.” International Journal of Epidemiology 46: 1398-1398f.

    • Ikeda, Nayu, Kana Fuse, and Nobuo Nishi. 2017. “Changes in the Effects of Living with No Siblings or Living with Grandparents on Overweight and Obesity in Children: Results from a National Cohort Study in Japan." PloS ONE 12(4): e0175726.

    • Fuse, Kana. 2013. “Daughter Preference in Japan: A Reflection of Gender Role Attitudes?” Demographic Research 28: 1021-1052.

    • Salomon J.A., Vos T., Hogan D.R., Gagnon M., Naghavi M., Mokdad A., Begum N., Shah R., Karyana M., Kosen S., Farje M.R., Moncada G., Dutta A., Sazawal S., Dyer A., Seiler J., Murray C.J.L., Fuse K., et al. 2012. “Common Values in Assessing Health Outcomes from Disease and Injury: Disability Weights Measurement Study for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.” The Lancet 380: 2129-2143.

    • Hanatani, Atsushi and Kana Fuse. 2012. "Linking Resource Users' Perceptions and Collective Action in Commons Management - An Examination of Water Supply Systems in Southern Senegal." Water Policy 14: 127-147.

    • Fuse, Kana. 2010. “Variations in Attitudinal Gender Preferences for Children across 50 Less-Developed Countries.” Demographic Research 23: 1031-1048.

    • Fuse, Kana and Nanaho Hanada.* 2009. “Political Distrust and Gendered Attitudes: The Japanese State and Women.” Sex Roles 60: 843-858.

    • Fuse, Kana and Dong Xie.* 2007. “A Successful Conversion or Double Refusal: A Study of the Process of Refusal Conversions in Telephone Survey Research.” The Social Science Journal 44: 434-446.

    • Fuse, Kana and Edward M. Crenshaw. 2006. “Gender Imbalances in Infant Mortality: A Cross-National Study of Social Structure and Female Infanticide.” Social Science & Medicine 62: 360-374.

    • *Authors are listed in alphabetical order denoting equal contributions.

    Other papers

    • Sakata, Akihiro, Junko Tano, and Kana Fuse. 2015."Kouseiroudoushou Jyudanchousa ni Tsuite [Longitudinal Surveys of the Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare]." Shakai to Chousa 15:21-29.

    • Fuse, Kana. 2008. “Cross-National Variation in Attitudinal Measures of Gender Preference for Children: An Examination of Demographic and Health Surveys from 40 Countries.” Demographic and Health Surveys Working Paper Series, Macro International Inc.