

  • 文字サイズ



 石井太(人口動向研究部長) “Analyzing the Trends of the Modal Age at Death Using the Linear Difference Model”
 岩澤美帆(人口動向研究部室長) “The Role of Gender Preference to the Third Birth in Japan: Magnitude, Trends and Implications”

 岩澤美帆(人口動向研究部室長) “Remarriage in Japan: A First Look”(ウィスコンシン大学・レイモ教授との共同報告)
 菅桂太(国際関係部室長) “A Multistate Lifetable Analysis for the Effects of the 1st Marriage and Marital Reproduction on Fertility in Singapore”
 福田節也(人口動向研究部主任研究官) “Achieving Desired Family Size in Japan: Socio-Demographic Causes of the Discrepancies”
 是川夕(人口動向研究部研究員) “Immigrant Occupational Attainment in Japan and Its Determinants; Is It a “Structured Settlement”?”
 鎌田健司(人口構造研究部研究員) “Regional Childcare Availability and Individual Reproductive Behavior: A Multilevel Analysis of Second Births in Japan”
                  “Spatial Variations in Covariates on Marriage and Marital Fertility: Geographically Weighted Regression Analyses in Japan”