
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research

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The visit of the delegation of Policy Research Center of Ministry of Civil Affairs, China

On Friday 12th June 2015, the delegation of Policy Research Center of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China, composed of Mr. Wang Jiexiu (王杰秀), Director-General, Dr. Tan Zhilin (谈志林), Dr. Yu Jianming(于建明) and Ms. Zhu Weiwei(朱巍巍), visited IPSS. Prof. Akira Morita, Director-General of IPSS welcomed them and the following presentations were made;

-“Overview of the IPSS and the Population of Japan” by Dr. Reiko Hayashi,
-“Report of the visit to Policy Research Center of the People's Republic of China” by Mr. Katsuhisa Kojima,
-“Living Arrangement on the Elderly in Japan and East Asia” by Dr. Toru Suzuki,
-“Overview of the Social Security in Japan and its Governance” by Dr. Yoshihiro Kaneko

From Policy Research Center of the Ministry of Civil Affairs
-“Overview of Ministry of Civil Affairs and Policy Research Center” by Mr. Wang Jiexiu,
-“Overview of Social Welfare Policy for the Elderly in China” by Dr. Yu Jianming,
-“Chinese Social Assistance: Its Development and Challenges” by Dr. Tan Zhilin

After these presentations, the information on the social security system and opinion of the future research collaboration was exchanged.

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You can also access the web page about this visit (Policy Research Center's web site, in Chinese), and about the visit of Mr. Kojima to Policy Research Center.