
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research

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The 12th International Conference on Social Security, Oita, Japan, September 10-11, 2016

The 12th International Conference on Social Security “Demographic Change, Evolving Family Structure and Social Security” was held at Oita (Japan). This conference was held for the first time in four years in Japan. It was organized by Oita University and hosted jointly by Japan Association for Social Policy Studies (Japan-East Asia Division), China Association of Social Security and Korean Association of Social Policy. Following the keynote lectures, thematic sessions such as “Health Insurance”, “Pension”, “Long-term Care for the Elderly”, “Topics on Social Security”, “Social Services and Local Community”, “Changing Family and Social Security” and “Young Scholar Round” were held. Active discussions were exchanged in these sessions.

Two IPSS researchers had attended the conference and presented by oral listed below;
 Katsuhisa KOJIMA (Department of International Research and Cooperation) “Foreign-born Care Workers in Taiwan : Analysis by Regions in Taiwan” (Social Services and Local Community)
 Yu KOREKAWA (Department of Population Dynamics Research) “A Socio-economic Status of Immigrant Women in the Gendered Migratory Processes; Are They “Double Disadvantaged” ?” (Changing Family and Social Security : English Session)

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Please click here for the 11th International Conference on Social Security.