
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research

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The 9th Social Experts Meeting in Asia and the Pacific Region

In Seoul, the 9th Social Experts Meeting in Asia and the Pacific Region was held by OECD Korea Policy Centre from 28 to 29 October 2014 with a collaboration of OECD, ILO and ADB. Nine Asian nations were invited to give presentations on long-term expenditure trends and other social situations. IPSS researchers, Yukiko Katsumata (Director, Department of Information Collection and Analysis) and Junko Takezawa (Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning and Coordination) attended and Dr. Takezawa presented a paper titled “Social Expenditure in Japan: Trends and Backgrounds”.


For the programme of this meeting, please click here.
For the presentation “Social Expenditure in Japan: Trends and Backgrounds”, please click here.