
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research

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XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama

The XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology took place in Yokohama from July 13th to 19th. The World Congress of Sociology is held every 4 years (the same year with the World Cup) and recognized as the biggest international conference in the field of sociology. Five members from the IPSS gave the following presentations.

Saori KAMANO “Changes in Family Forms in Japan: Analyses of Subjective Definitions”
Saori KAMANO, Takashi KAZAMA, Kazuya KAWAGUCHI, Hitoshi ISHIDA, Takashi YOSHINAKA, Katsuhiko SUGANUMA “Attitudes Toward Non-Normative Sexualities Among University Students in Japan: Quantitative Analysis (Part2)”
Yu KOREKAWA “Immigrant Occupational Attainment in Japan and Its Determinants: Is It a “Structured Settlement?””
Setsuya FUKUDA “The Changing Gender Relations in Marriage and Fertility in Japan”
Kana FUSE “Probability and Timing of Having a Second Child in Japan: Does Gender and Characteristics of the First-Born Matter?”
Yoshimi CHITOSE “Geographical Distances Between Adult Children and Parents”