Key Learning from the 2nd Public Opinion Survey
on Population Issues in Japan

Outline of Survey

1. Date of Survey and Coverage

The survey was held on June 15, 1995. It was sampling survey covering all individuals 20-69 years old in Japan.

2. State of Collection

The number of distributed questionnaires was 25,751, and effective number collected was 22,497. Effective collection rate was 87.4 %.

Intention of Marriage - choice of "to remain single all through life"

The ratio of single-oriented males before the first half of 30s increased.

Fertility and Awareness Toward Fertility

1. Number of Children

- Average number of children of married female (per couple) is 1.9. Although the married fertility in the first half of 1990s showed the slight decline, the variation is small.

2. Number of Children Expected and Ideal

- The standard number of children among each age group is two per couple. - The percentage of "three is the ideal" decreased and "two or less than two" increased.

Late Marriage

1. Tendency toward Later Marriage

- The percentage of "late marriage is not preferable" is approximately three times of "preferable".
- Among females of marriageable age, the number of responses "the late marriage is preferable" exceeded the number of answers "not preferable".

2. Reason for Late Marriage

- The first reason for late marriage is "increase of people who do not choose marriage" (24.3 %).
- Difference by gender in economical element as the reason of late marriage of single.

3. Future of Late Marriage

- Approximately 70 % of people consider that the tendency of late marriage will be firmly fixed or make progress in the future.

Fertility Decline

1. Evaluation of Decline of Fertility Rate

- The negative opinions that the decline of fertility rate is "not preferable" (42.3 %) largely exceed the positive opinions "preferable" (5.1 %).

2. Reason for "Not Preferable"

- The first reason that the decline of fertility rate is "not preferable" is because "the aging will become more serious" (52.4 %), increased from the previous survey (41.4 %).

3. Necessity of Countermeasure for Decline of Fertility Rate and Contents

- The percentage of people who consider "some countermeasures should be taken" to increase the fertility rate is 81.1 %, significantly increased from the previous survey (76.0 %).
- The most popular countermeasure is "to reduce the economic burden of parenting" (49.9 %).

The Aging Population in Japan

1. Evaluation of Future Aging Population

- The negative opinions the aging population in Japan is "not preferable" is 57.3 %, increased from the previous survey (51.5 %).

2. Countermeasure to Alleviate Future Aging Population

- The most popular opinion among people who supports the necessity of countermeasures for alleviating the aging population was "some countermeasures should be taken for promoting the birth" (68.1 %), significantly increased from the previous survey (53.8 %).

Support and Care of Elderly People and Birth and Parenting

- Nearly 70 % of people expect the supporting policy by the nation and local bodies toward the support and care of elderly people and birth and parenting.

Size of Population in Japan

1.Size of Population

- The percentage of people who consider that Japan has too large population decreased from the previous survey (from 46.7 % to 45.8 %), and who consider that the population in Japan is appropriate increased (from 35.1 % to 38.3 %). As a result, the excessive population is slightly alleviated.

2. Decline of Population

- The negative opinions the decline of population is "not preferable" (23.9 %) exceed the positive opinion "preferable" (15.7 %).

3. Countermeasure for Decline of Population

-The overwhelming opinions as the countermeasure for decline of population is "some countermeasures should be taken to promote the birth" (78.8 %), increased from the previous survey (62.7 %).

Population mono-polarization in Tokyo

1. Evaluation of Population mono-polarization in Tokyo

- Approximately 60 % of people consider that some countermeasures should be taken to correct the excessive concentration of population on the Tokyo metropolitan area.

2.Countermeasure for Alleviating the Excessive Concentration

- Many people suggested the relocation and decentralization of administrative institutions and educational organizations to regions (44.3 %) to correct the excessive concentration of population.

World Population

1. Evaluation of World Population Trend

- Opinions that efforts to control the population at least of the developing countries should be made account for 71.0 % of the all.

2. Cooperation of Japan for the Solution of Population Problems in the Developing Countries

- The percentage of people who consider that Japan should cooperate for the efforts to control the population in the developing countries increased (from 76.1 % to 83.1 %).

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Population Projections by Prefecture