Appendix: Reference list of family types.

Note 1)
Figures in parentheses indicate the number of households reported in the National Census in 1995.
Note 2)
Definitions of "a private household" in the National Census are as follows.(1) A group of persons sharing living quarters and living expenses or a person who lives by himself/herself occupying a dwelling house. (Live-in single employees who live with the household of their employer regardless of the number of live-in single employees. (2) A person residing together with the household (1) above but keeping a separate budget, or a person residing in a boardinghouse. (3) Each person who lives in a dormitory for unmarried employees of a company, corporation, store, government, etc.
Note 3)
Kinship households are composed of "head of household and related member(s)".Other household members who are outside of the kinship (such as live-in workers and housekeepers) are also included in the household. Moreover, as a general rule, family types are based on the relationship between the youngest married couple with kin members in the household.

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