3. Vital Rates (Crude and Standardized)
 Table # Title Page #
Table 3.1  Numbers, Crude Rates and Standardized Rates of Birth, Death, Natural Increase: 1873-2001 17
Table 3.2  Future Numbers and Crude Rates of Birth, Death, and Natural Increase: 2001-2050 18
Table 3.3  Vital Rates, Mean Length of Generation and Age Composition of Female Stable Population: 1925-2001 19
Table 3.4  Demographic Indicators based on the Assumption of the Stability of Fertility Rates and Mortality Rates in 2001 20
Table 3.5  Demographic Indicators based on the Assumption that Fertility Rates in the Replacement Level and Mortality Rates Are Stable after 2001 21
 4. Fertility and Family Planning  
Table 4.1  Number of Births by Sex and Sex Ratio at Birth: 1872-2001 23
Table 4.2  Number of Births by Parent's Nationality: 1987-2001 23
Table 4.3  Major Indicators of Reproduction Rates for Females: 1925-2001 24
Table 4.4  Number of Birth by Mother's Age Group (5-Year Age Groups), Age-Specific Fertility Rates for Females, and Proportion of Births by Mother's Age Group: 1925-2001 26
Table 4.5  Female Population of Reproductive Age, Age-Specific Fertility Rates, Number Surviving, and Reproduction Rates: 2001 27
Table 4.6  Age-Specific Fertility Rates for Females: 1930-2001 28
Table 4.7  Cumulative Fertility Rates for Female Cohorts: 1947-1994 31
Table 4.8  Age-Specific Marital Fertility Rates for Females: 1930-2001 35
Table 4.9  Age-Specific Legitimate Fertility Rates for Males: 1955-2001 35
Table 4.10  Interval between Marriage and First Birth: 1955-2001 36
Table 4.11  Number of Births by Birth Order: 1950-2001 36
Table 4.12  Birth Order Components of Total Fertility Rate: 1955-2001 37
Table 4.13  Mean Age of Women at Birth by Birth Order: 1955-2001 39
Table 4.14  Decomposition of Differences between Period Total Fertility Rates: 1925-2000  39
Table 4.15  Number of Illegitimate Births and Proportion: 1925-2001 40
Table 4.16  Number, Rate, and Sexual Ratio of Fetal Death: 1900-2001 40
Table 4.17  Reported Induced Abortions and Sterilizations: 1949-2001 41
Table 4.18  Expected Number of Children by Wife's Age (5-Year Age Groups): 1977-97 42
Table 4.19  Contraceptive Use among Married Women of Reproductive Age: 1950-2000 42
Table 4.20  Methods of Contraception among Married Women of Reproductive Age: 1950-2000 42
Table 4.21  Proportion of Married Women of Reproductive Age Having Experienced Induced Abortion: 1952-2000 43
Table 4.22  Mean Number of Children Born among Married Women of Reproductive Age: 1972-1997 43
Table 4.23  Number of Children Born among Married Women by Birth Cohort 43

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