Figure6. Diagram of Social Security Revenue and Social Benefit based on the ILO Standards, FY 2012

Diagram of Social Security Revenue and Social Benefit based on the ILO Standards, FY 2012
FY 2012 Social Security Revenue amounted to 127.1 trillion yen (excluding transfer from other systems). The figures in square brackets represent the ratio to the Total Social Security Revenue.
FY 2012 Social Security expenditure amounted to 108.6 trillion yen. The figures in brackets represents the ratio to the Total Social Benefit.
Others in the receipt includes receipts from the reserve funds, etc. Others in the expenditure includes maintenance expenses for the facilities, etc.
Balance refers to the difference between Social Security Revenue (127.1 trillion yen) and the sum of Social Benefit, administrative costs, operating losess, and others (112.4 trillion yen), and does not include any transfer to and from other systems; in particular, balance represents transfers to the reserve fund and the balance carried forward to the following fiscal year.

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