IV. Statistical tables (Table 5)

Table 5 Social Security Expenditure for the elderly, fiscal years 1973-2003
Table5 Social Security Expenditure for the elderly, fiscal years 1973-2003
The applicable age group for the healthcare system for the elderly was in October 2002 raised by five years from the over-70s to the over 75s; thus it is necessary to bear in mind that the above figures for elderly healthcare (medical areas) benefits in 2002 and 2003 differ in terms of their applicable age range. That the rate of increase compared with the previous year is a minus figure is a reflection of this. According to the "2003 National Medical Care Expenditure (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)," the national medical expenses for the over-75s in 2002 rose by 0.5% compared with the previous year, while in 2003 they rose by 3.8% compared with the previous year.

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