November 1999 Reform of the Child Allowance

  1. Title

    Special grant (subsidy) for Measures to abate decrease of number of children

  2. Initiators

    Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Education

  3. Funding

    FY1999, Supplemental Budget

  4. Beginning, expected end and duration

    July 28, 1999 to end of FY2001 (March, 2001)

  5. Country-specific institutional setting

    The recipient of supplemental budget is municipalities.

  6. Background of and problems driving the reform

    Japan has been experiencing a rapid ageing of the population which is caused by both increase of life span and decrease of number of children. In order to reduce the decrease of number of children, it is deemed necessary to create an environment more friendly toward child rearing.

  7. Basic approach and objectives of the reform

    The supplemental budget is granted to municipalities to implement measures for the common objective of creating child-rearing easy society. Each municipalities are called to come up with innovative and productive approaches suited to its own situation in the fields such as child day-care services, education, etc. Special emphasis is placed on reducing the number of waiting children for day-care centers in the metropolitan areas. It is also expected that this measure will create additional employment opportunities by utilising the private sector initiatives.

  8. Target groups and target regions

    Children under school age and their families, municipalities.

  9. Concrete changes vis-a-vis the status quo

    Some examples of implementation ideas are:

  10. Major conditions for success

    The maturity of private sector in the field.
    Efficient and profit-making management of facilities.

  11. Expected results

    Advancement of measures to abate decrease of number of children in each community
    Increase of employment opportunities, especially for women.
    Increase in number of providers of day-care services

  12. First results

    Currently, the applications for the grant are being appraised.

  13. Effects on other policy fields

    Child Welfare Labour Policy Long-Term Care

  14. Arguments raised by opponents of the reform

    Not in particular

  15. Personal judgement

    The emphasis on the reduction of waiting children for day-care centers in metropolitan areas is noteworthy. By encouraging the private sector initiatives, objectives of both child welfare and employment are being addressed.

  16. General available references

    None available in English.

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