The Supply of Manpower for Care Services from the Viewpoint of Care Insurance
Eiko Shinotsuka

This essay focuses on the supply of manpower that will be needed to provide care services to our elderly population (hereafter called ÒseniorsÓ) through insurance that soon will be available for that purpose. Most of the research on this topic deals with the Þnancial base for the care itself; very little examines the issue from the perspective of manpower supply. The concerns are threefold. First, research indicates that, in sixteen countries studied, the Þnancing necessary for supplying the manpower to assist the aging increased in the 1980s but dropped in the early 1990s due to budgetary deÞcits. Second, the Council on Health and Welfare for the Aged (CHWA) has underestimated the number of elderly people who will need this support, and there are some contradictions in the fundamental preparations for elderly care. And third, by means of regression analysis using data from 47 prefectures, we have found that there is an extreme shortage of home helpers in various regions. Given the absolute shortage of manpower in about 3,300 municipalities, we must push for administrative policies that will build a cooperative organization for the delivery of care services to alleviate the manpower deÞciency.

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