List of Tables @TableT-1 Projected Total Population by Prefecture @@ @TableT-2 Rate of increase in projected population by prefecture @TableT-3 Index of projected population by prefecture (1995=100) @TableT-4 Projected population by reason @TableT-5 Rate of increase in projceted population by regional block @TableT-6 Ratio of the population by regional block to the total @TableT-7 Ratio of the population by prefecture to the total @TableT-8 Youth Population by Prefecture @TableT-9 Percentage of Youth Population by Prefecture @TableT-10 Projection of the 15-64 years old population by prefecture @TableT-11 Ratio of the 15-64 years old population by prefecture @TableT-12 Projection of the elderly population by prefecture @TableT-13 Percentage of Aged Population by Prefecture @TableU-1 Estimated future total fertility rate @TableU-2 Estimated future average life expectancy @Reference Table 1 Projected total population by prefecture@(in case of @closed population) @Reference Table 2 Rate of increase in projected population by prefecture(in case of closed population) @Reference Table 3 Ratio of the population by prefecture to the total (in case of closed population) @Figure Aged Population by Prefecture (1995, 2025)